Tuesday, June 26, 2012


On a June evening in New Hampshire two years ago, I stood up in front of my friends, family, and new husband and gave the following toast.  Actually, something like it, but not exactly it, because I had forgotten to print this out.

"I know it’s not typical for the bride to give a speech, or at least not as typical as for the best man or father of the bride. However, it’s our wedding, so I’m going to do what works for us.

I will, however, try to keep this brief. Only the very charitable - and possibly deaf - among you could say that I am typically a brief person. However, a yummy dinner and the rest of the evening await, so I’ll do my best.

As clichéd as it sounds, I would not be the person I am today if it were not for my loving family. I was lucky enough to grow up in a home where I never once, never in a thousand years, doubted that I was loved. And I will never be able to thank my parents enough for giving me the wedding of my dreams.

Throughout the wedding planning process, we’ve received so much help and support from both of our families and our wedding party. Without your jokes, your brain power, and your ever-ready encouragement, this process would have been a lot harder. Thank you all for everything you’ve done.

I look around this evening at all of our friends & family and I’m awed by the love under this tent. There are some beloved ones missing, as I’m sure many of you know. I never thought that all of my grandparents would miss seeing me walk down the aisle. However, the love that the four of them had for their families knows no boundaries, so I know they’re here tonight.

I want to thank all of you for sharing in our joy. We are blessed to have you with us and we appreciate the effort you made to be here. Some of you traveled a long way to be in Portsmouth tonight. From British Columbia and California and Florida and Prince Edward Island, you crossed rivers, mountains, whole continents to be here. We can’t thank you enough.

Now, cheesy as it is, one of my favorite movies is Love Actually. And like it or not, I’m going to share a quick quote from the movie with you: “Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. General opinion's starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that. It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often, it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there - fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends . . . If you look for it, I've got a sneaking suspicion . . . love actually is all around.”

I feel the truth of that statement tonight. And I feel it every day with the man I’m lucky enough to call my husband. So, I’d like to propose a toast: to family! To friends! And most of all, to love!"

On a June evening in Montreal three days ago, that husband & I got the tattoos in the photo above - each other's initials, rendered in Old English runes.  A permanent reminder of the commitment to love that we made that night two years ago.  And with that little story, I think I'm finally ready to let this blog go.  Au revoir!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Life in the Wer & Wifdom

Us on our honeymoon in Montreal.  These photos JUST went up on Facebook today -
I'm neglecting our wedding stuff everywhere, not just here!
Raise your hand if you forgot this blog existed.  Yeah, me too, apparently.  We're coming up on our year-and-a-half anniversary (on Boxing Day!) and this poor blog hasn't seen a post for like a month-and-a-half.  Sad.

The thing is, as Ferris Buehler told us in 1986, life moves pretty fast.  Justin's been home from his deployment for four months now, but they feel like they went by on hyperdrive.  I'm still working three jobs, he's job-hunting, getting ready to start grad school in January, and getting back into a regular army training schedule.  Plus there's the house, the dog, the family, the holidays . . . yadda yadda yadda.

There's also the fact that I feel like posting endless photos of our wedding and still yammering on about our menu choices or flower colors seems a bit, well, narcissistic?  I mean, yes, we had a lovely wedding and a good time was had by all.  But hey, since then, we got a dog, we moved house, Justin was deployed, we vacationed in Scotland, and he came home.  Are we still talking about that wedding thing?

I'm struggling to figure out a fitting way to end things over here.  Maybe I never will and this will be the last post, but maybe I will hit on something that feels right.  I'd say stay tuned, but who knows how that would turn out?  :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

"And the Guests Never Notice"

Another amazing wedding comic from Wondermark (click to enlarge)!  One of the things I love most about APW is how the above kind of anxiety-inducing cultural misconceptions are, as they say, "shame-blasted" away.  Thanks, APW, for allowing us to all recognize that our weddings are not, in fact, things we can lose at (as long as we're true to ourselves, our partners, and our values).

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wedding-ing Up Our Walls

Sorry to be away for so very, very long.  However, Justin arrived home from his deployment on August 13th and we've spent the last month or so being married again.  :)  It's been lovely and crazy and everything else that homecomings are.  

But I'm back(ish) now and wanted to share one of our recent home decorating projects.  This kind of shizz is all we do now - ripping up carpets, assembling furniture, hanging pictures, etc.  I did a fair amount while Justin was gone, he's done a good amount since he's been back, and there's always more to do (the big jobs like stripping wallpaper, painting, and refinishing wood floors may have to wait until spring at this point).

We don't have too many of our wedding photos up in the house, but we hung four 8 x 10 ones in the stairway a few weeks ago.  The photos are below, as well as the original images, in case you find it hard to make out the pictures in the grainy photos below.  Can't imagine why.  :)

Also - see that top photo?  Now see how high up it is in the stairway?  We were too lazy to get the ladder up from the basement, so that nail got hammered in and that frame hung via a very hilarious and unsafe system, i.e. me up on Justin's shoulders.  !!!  Oh well, they all got hung and we're happy seeing our wedding pics every time we walk down the stairs now.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Long Distance by the Numbers

  • # of days since I've heard my husband's voice: 2
  • # of days since I've seen his face: 16
  • # of days since I've hugged him: 92
  • # of days since he's been in his own home: 310
  • # of days until I get him back: not 100% sure (nor could I tell you even if I was), but it's less than 92, at least!
Man, look at that shizz.  Is it any wonder I'm a mess?